Abbie Liu,ChefCo的新晋蛋糕设计师。
Meet Abbie Liu, ChefCo's new cake designer.
This fondant cake is a piece of finely carved work that Abbie spent a whole week on, from conception to assembly.
She uses elements from art, film and nature to create cakes.
Before landing on cake design. Abbie led a rather interesting life.
"I have been a fashion buyer, I have designed a private kitchen in Shanghai, I was invited to write a food column for a German magazine, and I was selected by a record company to take part in a singing competition"
Abbie's major was British and American literature, she has international fashion buyer training, advanced stage art design, and has an EMBA master degree.
音乐人,时尚买手,美食专栏撰稿人,私房菜老板? 这些都不是Abbie最爱的身份,她更喜欢别人叫她蛋糕设计师。
Abbie is 1/4 Russian and her grandmother's family previously ran multiple dessert shops. Perhaps for this reason, Abbie has a love for all things sweet.
She likes to travel and visit local food markets. "When I find special ingredients and seasonings, I can't help buying them to try at home."
她和现在的先生相识于美国圣何塞,68天后他们便闪电进入了婚姻的殿堂。如今他们已经有了两个可爱的孩子,在丈夫的强烈支持下,Abbie投入了全部的精力和热情在甜品设计上。 She and her current husband met in San Jose, USA, and they have two children. With the strong support of her husband, Abbie has invested all her energy and enthusiasm in the dessert design. 这份因美食结缘的爱一直幸福的持续到了现在。而在丈夫的强烈支持下,Abbie开始了自己热爱的事业。 在上海的市中心地区,她开了一家宽敞明亮的工作室。将两个孩子的名字和剪影融入到工作室的名称和logo中,取名为Mi&Ma Bakery。 In downtown Shanghai, she opened a spacious and bright studio. Incorporating the names and silhouettes of their two children into the name and logo of the studio and called it Mi & Ma Bakery.
The studio provides advanced cake design and production, as well as professional and non-professional baking courses.
在蛋糕设计上,Abbie有着格外严苛的要求。蛋糕不仅要美味,还要有诱人的外表。她喜欢用新鲜水果和天然香料制作味道浓郁,口感密集的蛋糕,也会对欧美系的蛋糕进行改良,使口感更适合亚洲人。 Abbie likes to use fresh fruits and natural spices to make cakes with rich and dense. She adapts her recipes and designs from European and American style to be better suited for Asian palate. 蛋糕装饰方面也是充满创意,巧克力,翻糖,糯米纸,饼干,糖霜,裱花,水果都是她用来创作的元素。 Her cake decoration is full of creativity. Chocolate, fondant, rice paper, cookies, frosting, decorating and fruits are all elements she uses to make her cakes stand out.
She has designed nearly 200 cakes so far, and each cake has been unique. She has never made the same cake twice.
为了做好这款蛋糕,Abbie把整部剧都再看过一遍。 剧情中的人物关系,情节主旨,都在被透彻理解后才开始构思蛋糕的设计。
除了蛋糕之外,Abbie制作的饼干也格外美味。 这款饼干有非常迷人的花生酱味,尝一口,满口生香。
Abbie选用的原料是曾在美食届的奥斯卡评选中获得一等奖的Pic's 花生酱。 Abbie also makes cookies, these specifically using Pic's peanut butter from NZ.
这个比赛叫做Great Taste Awards Run by the Guild of FineFood In UK,当时和10000多种食品一起竞赛,由400多位嘴巴刁的评委们,通过49天的盲选,选出来了这款著名新西兰品牌花生酱。 不仅好吃,Pic's的优秀之处还在于,完全不添加植物油,花生酱是由100%花生原料制成。 纯正,健康,美味,就是一款看似普通的饼干, Abbie也用最好的原料制作。难怪她的客人很大一部分都是回购数次的老客户,每一个品尝过Abbie甜点的人,都会情不自禁的吃了还想吃,不仅自己停不下来,还介绍给好多朋友。
在Abbie的工作室里还能找到一种美轮美奂的艺术品——糖霜饼干。 In Abbie's studio, you can also find intricate artwork style icing on her cookies.
Abbie的设计充满了奇思妙想。 正如她丰富多彩的人生一样,永远保有极强探索精神的她,从不只把自己设限在某一领域。 不断的创新,尝试新事物,挑战自我是她一贯以来的人生态度。 过往丰富的工作,学习经历都是她制作蛋糕时源源不断的灵感来源。 如今的她用爱和热情经验这份甜美的艺术,为能带给人们欢愉与喜悦的事业而幸福的努力着。