新西兰南岛马尔堡的怀劳河谷最东面有一个海湾。这里有着绵延起伏的山峦,碧蓝无际的海洋,白云环绕,空气纯净。 There is a bay at the East end of the Wairau Valley in Marlborough, New Zealand's South Island, with rolling mountains and boundless blue ocean, surrounded by white clouds with pure air. 十八世纪,著名航海家,库克船长在途经这个海湾时, 被这梦幻般的景色吸引,将此地命名为“云雾之湾”。 In the 18th century, the famous navigator, Captain Cook, was attracted by the dreamlike scenery when he passed the bay and named it "Cloudy Bay".

云雾之湾旁的马尔堡葡萄园阳光明媚,降水较少,是新西兰日照时间最长的葡萄酒产区。 1985年,一个新西兰葡萄酒酒庄选择此地开始种植葡萄、酿酒美酒,并以云雾之湾为自己的葡萄酒品牌命名。这也就是新西兰著名酒庄“云雾之湾“名字的由来。 Sunny and less rainfall, this is the wine country with the longest sunshine in New Zealand. 此处不仅有着高品质的葡萄酒,还因为这片海域沿海水道网络四通八达,海洋资源富裕,也孕育出了世界顶级品质的冲浪蛤。 The coastal waterways are well connected and rich in marine resources, making it the best place to produce high-quality surf clams.

六月,ChefCo将来自云雾之湾与新西兰其他地区的精品食材带到了上海高端餐饮界的领航者 — 米氏西餐厅,由新西兰主厨Hamish在米氏绝美的景观露台上为大家烹制了一席饕餮盛宴。
In June, Chefco partnered up with Cloudy Bay Clams and Cloudy Bay Wine, hosted an unforgettable evening on the roof terrace with Shanghai skyline as backdrop. Executive Chef Hamish presented a feast for everyone at M On The Bund, one of the leading high-end fine dining restaurants in Shanghai.

晚宴明星主厨:Hamish Waddel
当晚负责整套晚宴的主厨Hamish来自新西兰北部的滨海城市,奥克兰。 Hamish, the chef in charge of the dinner, was from Auckland City, northern New Zealand. Hamish从小就爱待在厨房里看祖父母做各式各样的糕点,美味的烤肉。在大家庭中长大的他每天晚上最期待的事就是与一大家子的人其乐融融的坐在一起,享用祖父母做的晚餐。 Hamish loved to stay in the kitchen and watch his grandmother make all kinds of cakes and delicious meals. Growing up he looked forward to sitting around with family and enjoy the dinner made by his mother every night. 节假日时他会跟家人去奥克兰附近的科罗曼岛度假。美丽的科罗曼岛有着丰富的水产资源,当地渔业非常发达。Hamish会和家人一起在海边钓鱼,在沙滩上挖贝壳。当地的绿唇青口贝是他最爱的海鲜之一。Hamish会把海边找到的新鲜青口贝洗后加白葡萄酒煮熟,直接在沙滩上吃。 Hamish and his family would go to Coromandel near Auckland for holidays. The beautiful region is rich in aquatic resources, and the local fishery is maturely developed. Hamish and his family would fish by the sea and dig clams on the beach. The local green lipped green mussel is one of his favorite seafood. He would wash the fresh mussels found by the sea and steam them with white wine, then eat them directly on the beach. 鲜活的海鲜,纯净的海洋味道,新西兰白葡萄酒的酸爽,美丽的海岸风景,这些都成为了他记忆中最美好的一部分。 Fresh seafood—the pure taste of the sea. The freshness of New Zealand white wine and the beautiful coastal scenery all became best parts of his memory. Hamish说他就是在美食的包围下长大的。从童年开始,美食就为他带去了太多的欢乐,这对他之后的职业选择起了深远的影响。成年后的他选择了自己喜欢的事业,在烹饪学校钻心厨艺。在新西兰,澳洲和美国的高级餐厅都当过主厨,迄今已有15年的餐厅经历。 Hamish grew up surrounded by delicious food. Since childhood, food has brought him so much joy, which has a profound impact on his career choice. As an adult, he chose his favorite career and devoted himself to culinary arts. With 15 years of restaurant experience, Chef Hamish had been head chefs in New Zealand, Australia and the United States. 在澳洲餐厅工作的时候他出色的表现受到了大家的赏识,在内部推荐下,他受邀成为了上海米氏西餐厅的行政总厨。 When he worked in Australian restaurant, his outstanding performance was appreciated by everyone. With internal recommendation, he was invited to become the Executive Chef of Shanghai M On The Bund. 在这里工作的两年半中,Hamish设计了数百种不同的菜式,深受食客们的喜爱,其中光纯素食设计就有一百多种。 In the two and a half years of working at MOTB Hamish developed hundreds of different dishes — all are very popular with diners. Among the varies recipes, just vegetarian recipes alone there are over 100 dishes.

在2019年的That's Food&Drink Awards中他更是带领团队获得了最佳概念素食奖。
Chef Hamish won the Vegan pr Vegeterian Concept fo the Year from That's Food & Drink Awards in 2019.

2020年六月,Hamish正式受邀加入ChefCo,并首次在米氏西餐厅用他最爱的新西兰食材为ChefCo的晚宴精心打造了6道精品佳肴 ,带领宾客们体验了最地道的新西兰美食。 Chef Hamish elaborately created 6 delicacies with New Zealand's top ingredients, leading the guests to experience the most authentic New Zealand cuisine.

头盘开胃小点,饼胚用的是酥脆的布里尼饼,搭配细腻肥美的新西兰帝王鲑、绵柔的安佳奶油制成。 一汤勺放入嘴里,三种滋味融合的天衣无缝,瞬间让人开胃。


而当蛤蜊与经典新西兰白酒和大蒜组合时,则冲撞出了截然不同的美妙风味。 大蒜独有的浓烈气味,新西兰白酒的清冽,蛤蜊的鲜美,三者在口腔里演奏了一出美味三重奏,好吃的让人停不下来。


与此蛤蜊最绝佳的搭配自然是云雾之湾酒庄的葡萄酒。 云雾之湾葡萄酒产区位于新西兰南岛东北角的马尔堡(Marlborough)。 这里夏季和秋季阳光明媚,气温偏高,降水量少,是新西兰日照最长的地区之一。这种气候能使葡萄生长季节较长,并能帮助葡萄风味物质的凝聚。 而夜晚凉爽的海风为优质葡萄酒所需的温度变化提供了必备的条件,非常有利于维持葡萄的酸度。

此次活动ChefCo带来了新西兰云雾之湾酒庄三款代表性佳酿: 云雾之湾长相思白葡萄酒2019 (Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc) 云雾之湾蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒2016 (Cloudy Bay Te Koko) 云雾之湾黑品乐红葡萄酒2018(Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir) 其中长相思和蒂蔻蔻白葡萄酒酸度活泼,有着丰富的热带水果风味,最适合搭配海鲜饮用。 而黑品乐的酒体中等,单宁丝滑细致,酸度平衡,用来搭配下面的这道风味浓郁的肉类大菜则是最适合不过的了。

这是当晚“分量”最大的一道菜。 在数道精致的海鲜过后,这道超大份的烤肉登场,将当晚的气氛推到了最高潮。 豪迈奔放的烤肉让宾客们彻底放松了下来,大家共同分享着盘中的食物,大快朵颐,畅所欲言。 其中的法切羊排在活动结束后还被大家啧啧称赞。 来自新西兰著名品牌Pure South的12月龄小羔羊,肉质极为稚嫩,咬一口肉汁便滴滴渗入口腔里,满口氤氲的肉香而毫无膻味,是做羊排的最佳选择。

晚宴快接近尾声时,餐厅为宾客们端上了这道米氏西餐厅最为著名的甜点。 主要原料来自安佳奶油,再搭配酸甜的百香果果汁和各类新鲜水果制成。 这道甜点尝起来甜而不腻,奶油蛋白饼部分松软绵滑,水果的搭配使整道甜点口感变得更加清新与轻盈。 顶上的金箔点缀精美华丽,是一顿大餐后最完美的收尾。

Under the beautiful night sky of the Bund, New Zealand food lovers from all over the world gathered to enjoy the best food and talk about their ideals for the development of New Zealand food industry in Shanghai.

主厨Hamish一直认为,美食制作的意义不只是为了让人们品尝美味的食物,它更是一种能将人们聚在一起的催化剂。它能打破分歧,将人们变得更紧密,它能创造一片使人们互相理解的天地。 “ChefCo是一个供应商和经销商可以一起工作和相互学习的平台。我相信它能将业内人士联系到一起,共同创造高品质的食物。” —Hamish Waddel Chef Hamish believes cooking isn’t just about creating good food—it’s a catalyst that brings people together. It can break down divides and can be used as a platform to create understanding. "I joined with Chefco as it is a platform that chefs, suppliers and distributors can work and gain knowledge from each other. I also believe it connects people in the industry to come together collectively and create." —Hamish Waddel ChefCo在此热烈欢迎Hasmish的加入。希望在美食的助推下,更多优秀的主厨们能聚到一起,大家结交到更多志趣相投的朋友,共享美食的同时共同推动美食行业的发展。