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New Zealand Week kicks off at New Zealand Central in Shanghai on 2 November!

Chefs from ChefCo brought guests the most authentic New Zealand cuisine on the launch day.



Pastry Chef Abbie made a marvelous cake for the opening ceremony complete with delicate silver fern leaves and lifelike petals.


Made with Care饼干上,每一条线,每一个字母都笔直清晰,简直就像机打的。难以想象它们竟然是被Abbie用糖霜一笔一划画在饼干上的。

Chef Abbie also prepared these beautiful frosted cookies.

The "Made with Care" coincides with the launch of a global New Zealand food and beverage campaign and brought the concept to life with every line and every letter so straight and clear, as if they come from a printer. Incredible that Abbie drew them by hand using frosting.

新西兰传统蛋白饼,浓郁醇厚的惠特克巧克力棉花糖,柔滑甜蜜的安佳奶油纸杯蛋糕来自亲切的甜点师兔子。 Traditional New Zealand pavolova, rocky road, and Anchor Cream cupcakes come from the gracious Pastry Chef Rabbit.


Chef Jamie made classic apple pie by using famous New Zealand Envy apple and Red Seal Molasses. Guests couldn't stop taking photos of the stunning presentation.


The aroma of venison ribs on the BBQ filled the whole New Zealand Central with a delicious aroma, cooked by chef Steve. The live roaring flames made the huge ribs quite the site to behold.


Mouthwatering Ceviche made by New Zealand Cloudy Bay Clams and New Zealand green lid mussels with Dalian steamed noodle from Talented Chef Jonathan.

三位重量级大厨Marco、Titan,Koen则共同协作用新西兰Avanza牛油果,Ora King帝王鲑, Tatua 酸奶油, Oravida酸奶等高端新西兰食材制作了一系列极为美味的新西兰经典海鲜。 Chef Marco, Titan and Koen used Avanza avocado, Ora King salmon, Tatua sour cream, Oravida yoghurt and other high-end New Zealand ingredients to create a range of New Zealand classic seafood.

开幕式当天,宾客们大快朵颐,遍尝各种经典新西兰美食, 被ChefCo主厨们的手艺深深折服,也让大家深觉意犹未尽。 为此,ChefCo的主厨们特地在自己的餐厅中也推出了新西兰周特色菜单,让大家在开幕式结束后也能吃到纯正美味的新西兰美食。 The incredible dishes on the launch day left guests wanting more! So here we go, our Chefs bring the special NZ week menu to their own restaurants. You can go to below ChefCo chef's restaurants, enjoy authentic, delicious New Zealand food!

甜点师Abbie 极为精于制作各种蛋糕,图片中每一只精美绝伦的蛋糕都出自她手。

她的甜品店Mi&Ma Bakery会在新西兰周期间推出特别推广活动。


Pastry Chef Abbie is skilled at making various cakes and has created every one of the most beautiful cakes in the picture.

Her Bakery, Mi&Ma Bakery, has a special promotion during New Zealand Week.

All cakes made with New Zealand ingredients can a 15% discount.

制作酸奶油帝王鲑的主厨Koen不仅会在他工作的餐厅Tomatito推出同样的菜品,还会用新西兰鳌虾,牛肉,芝士等推出更多新西兰周特色美食。 Chef Koen, who made king salmon on the launch day, is offering the same dish in his restaurant, Tomatito. New Zealand beef, venison and clams are on their New Zealand special menu too.

来自味彩的主厨Anthory在新西兰周期间推出的菜品有用新西兰植物酸奶Raglan与佳沛猕猴桃搭配制作的纯素甜品、Avanza牛油果与Ora King帝王鲑调制的馅料制作的炸丸子、新西兰雪鳌鱼做的鱼薯。每一道都极为美味,记得去之前提前预定,以免去晚了某些菜品已售完哦。

Chef Anthory from Bites & Bottle has 3 dishes and a dessert on his NZW special menu:

NZ Salmon and Avanza Avocodo croquettes with Sambal Mayo

NZ Lamb cutlets with homemade Mint Chimichurri

NZ Ling Fish n Chips with homemade Tartare sauce

NZ Coconut Yoghurt fruit cups

Make sure to book a table in advance!



午后苏州河畔看本书,来杯血橙茶,配一块香甜的蛋糕,别提有多惬意啦。 Pastry Chef Rabbit recently opened a new dessert shop near the artsy Suzhou River, offering a 20% discount on all the food, as well as New Zealand Red Seal blood orange tea.

Exuberant fruity flavor loaded with vitamins, makes you feel energetic but won't make you lose sleep at night.

A great drink for a pleasant afternoon with a piece of cake and a book.

我们的主厨Yo-yo 和Sergio在The Commune Social推出的新西兰特色菜单包含菜品有:新西兰酸奶油金枪鱼、新西兰山河鹿肋排,新西兰安佳奶油百香果戚风蛋糕。 精美的摆设与精致的美味配合的天衣无缝,让人尝过后简直想让新西兰周持续到永远。 在这特别的节日里,带上三五好友品尝下来自新西兰的纯净健康美味吧。在最纯正的新西兰美味中感受最地道的新西兰文化。 The New Zealand special menu, which our chefs Yo-Yo and Sergio presented at The Commune Social: Tuna marinated with citrus and Tatua sour cream NZ Mountain River venison ribs Chiffon cake, passion fruit curd, Anchor cream, with Taura fruit candy During this special festival, let's bring friends and families together to enjoy delicious New Zealand food.




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