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2020年是充满挑战与变化的一年,在这一年中,餐饮界经历过各种不同的困难。 ChefCo作为专注于服务厨师和餐饮界的专业媒介,也曾经历了活动暂停,所有项目不得不停摆的局面。 但ChefCo在逆势中选择了顺势而为,借势而进,在主厨们的帮助下,这一年的ChefCo仍取得了不小的进展。在这过去的一年,疫情并未停滞我们的合作,反而使我们与主厨们的联系变得比以往更紧密团结。 2020 is a year of challanges and great transitions. During this tumultuous period, the F&B industry have endured unforeseen difficulties. ChefCo, as a specialised platform in order to serve chefs and the wider F&B industry, has experienced stunts in operations, and a shutdown of projects. However, ChefCO chose to ride the tide and make the best of its situation; through the support of our Chefs, ChefCo have achieved remarkable progress. In this past year, the pandemic did not stop us from collaborating. In fact, our bond with our Chefs are stronger and closer than ever.

疫情爆发时,ChefCo邀请了Jamie pea, 以直播形式用Oravida的酸奶制作了一系列美食,得到了不错的销量。 下半年疫情得到控制后,ChefCo与银蕨农场,新西兰鹿肉协会,新西兰牛羊肉协会,新西兰旅游局, Swiss Butchery, M on the Bund等合作,短短半年内举办了数十场活动。 When the pandemic began earlier this year, ChefCo jumped on the livestream bandwagon bringing in Chefco’s Jamie pea to run a livestream cooking show to drive sales. After the pandemic showed signs of calming in the second half of the year, ChefCo started to collaborated with Silver Fern Farm, DINZ, New Zealand Beef and Lamb Association, Tourism New Zealand, Swiss Butchery, M on the Bund and so on, organized dozens of events in just half a year.


On the launch day of NZW 2020, 7 ChefCo chefs serving up NZ products in NZC, bought us the ultimate gourmet experience.



12 excellent new chefs joined ChefCo in 2020.

Abbie, cake designer with a uncanny skillful hand, Hamish, top western chef from New Zealand, Marco, talented Mexican chef, Peng Tao, superb Michelin Cantonese chef, and so on...

这一年,ChefCo的餐桌上多了更多的粤菜美食。 上海菜,淮扬菜,墨西哥菜,意大利菜,无国界融合菜等等也纷纷加入到了我们的餐桌,ChefCo变得更多元多彩。我们的主厨们将新西兰高品质美食与世界各地的烹饪方式结合,为促进新西兰饮食文化在中国的多元发展做出了不小的贡献。 In this year, more Cantonese cuisine, Shanghai cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, Mexican cuisine, Italian cuisine, fusion cuisine etc have been added to ChefCo's table, making CHEFCO more diversified and colorful. Chefs cook premium NZ food by using the cooking techniques from all of the world, which has made great contributions to the pluralism development of New Zealand food culture in China.

感恩我们的主厨们,ChefCo的美好离不开你们的支持。 Thanks to our chefs, we cannot make this happen without your support.


At the end of 2020, ChefCo team designed a gift box for our chefs.



Each box matches with a different chef, when pull the cards in the box, chefs can see a map of New Zealand, the special plants of New Zealand, and dozens of beautiful pictures of all the dishes that have been made by our chefs in the past year. Opening the small box in the gift box, chefs will find a voucher from NZBL Tmall shop. By using this voucher, chefs can redeem premium NZ food in NZBL according to their own preference.


Chefs were pleasantly surprised when they received the gift and posted it on their social media platforms.


Chefco wishes this gift will be created to various delicacies under the magical hands of our chefs.


On the beginning of the New Year, we also wish our chefs all the success and prosperity in your culinary skills. May you touch new hights with your cooking. Keep impressing people with your cooking!




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