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3月25日ChefCo举办了一场以创意再利用为主题的活动。 On March 25th ChefCo held a workshop with theme of exploring creative solutions and dishes for off-cuts and less popular pieces.


ChefCo Chef Bear, Blake, and Marco used New Zealand meat scraps and secondary cuts to make three creative dishes. They turned the leftovers that might have been thrown away into new dishes and brought us a new understanding of secondary cuts.


Chef Marco started making lamb bone stock for his ramen a day early. He demonstrated the process of deboning lamb legs and how to make stock.

分离后的腿骨在200度的烤箱中烤25分钟后再加水熬汤,这样的骨头汤味道会更浓郁,羊骨中的多种营养物质也更好的被稀释出,汤里还有一股骨头烤过后的独特香气。 Roast the bones in the oven at 200c for 45 minutes before adding water to make stock, the flavor of the soup will be more intense, the various nutrients in the lamb bones will be better released, and the soup will also have a unique roasted aroma and pick up colour.

Marco用羊骨熬制的汤第二天做了日式汤面的汤底,味道鲜美浓郁。去了骨的羊腿肉则在活动当天被做成了美味诱人的烤羊腿。 The next day in the workshop, Marco made a soup base for ramen by using the lamb leg bone stock. The soup was very rich and packed with flavours. The boneless leg of lamb was made into a juicy roast on the day of the event. This demonstrated the core concept of this event, the nose-to-tail approach to meat, where everything is used and elevated to create great food.

主厨料理小熊用上海特色小吃—糍饭糕与牛肉边角料搭配,制作了一道独特的糍饭糕牛肉鞑靼。 Chef Bear created the unique box-of-scraps beef tartar by combining the Paste Rice Cake, a Shanghai specialty snack, with beef scraps.


The raw beef was mixed with the special rice cake cubes, garnished with fried crispy kale. Put a whole plate into the mouth, the kale and rice cake created a crunchy texture the mouth, then the tender, sweet, fresh beef comes in. The hardness and softness rhyme in harmony on the palate, delivering a layered experience of textures and flavours.


Chef Blake, known for his unconventional approach, has once again exceeded expectations. He brought us a very special fusion cuisine—Hardcore confit venison ragout with smoked baby bamboo and wakame.

来自贵州的特产,筒笋,被山柴火烟熏干,闻起来有浓浓的烟熏香气。Blake将它泡水变软后与新西兰鹿肉一同油封慢炖。 The baby bamboo was smoked and dried with mountain firewood in Guizhou, which carries with it an intense smokey aroma. Blake let it soften in water and then simmer with the confit New Zealand venison shoulder.

这个样子和颜色都很特别的面条是Blake自己用裙带菜做的,口感筋道有韧性。 The distinctive look and color of the pasta are made by Blake himself with wakami, it has a chewiness and packs a sea hinting umami punch.

煮熟后放上鹿肉笋干浇头,笋干的鲜味渗入了汤汁,与新西兰草饲鹿肩肉的自然肉香味融合,吸溜一口,一股浓烈的原始气息扑面而来。美味,纯正,原始,天然,这些元素全部在这道面上完美体现。 Topping the pasta with smoked bamboo.The savoury umami flavor of the dried bamboo seeped into the soup and merged with the natural flavor of New Zealand grass-fed venison. It carries a unique blend of gameness, both from the meat and plant-based ingredients, which is reminiscent of the raw punchy flavours of Guizhou cuisine, yet elevated via technique and elegant presentation. Delicious, pure, powerful and natural, all of these elements are perfectly displayed on this dish.

活动当天我们共邀请了将近50位上海最具创意的大厨来参加活动,ChefCo希望通过这场活动能激发大厨们的创意灵感,向大家传播积极的'光盘‘理念。未来能看到更多本被冷落的肉类重新受到大家的重视,变成大家都爱吃的美食佳肴。 Nearly 50 creative chefs were invited to this workshop. ChefCo hopes to inspire chefs to have a more creative use on less popular cuts, and help the f&b industry establish a positive concept of food waste elimination. In the future, we will see more cuts that were less desired before will be back into the spotlight and become a delicacy that everyone loves to eat.


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